DESTROY Free-Radicals BEFORE they Destroy Your Dog
Article: #278

Free radicals damage your dog’s healthy cells
and in turn impair the body's normal functions.

Free radicals are produced from:

Normal respiration and metabolism
Exposure to air pollutants
Radiation from X-rays
Dietary fats

How do free radicals affect your dog’s body?

Free radicals are known today to be one of the most destructive forces in the body of an aging animal. This is especially true when talking about your dog's joints and other tissues.

Free radicals cause a loss of cellular flexibility and strength, and can cause joints and cartilage to become stiff, cloud vision, cause arteries to lose their elasticity, inflammation, and gastrointestinal and liver disorders.

Research has shown that free radicals are involved in many age-related conditions such as:

Kidney and liver disorders
Vascular disorders
Weakened immune system

Healthy versus Arthritic Joint Components

All joints are filled with a lubricant called synovial fluid. Normally, your dog’s natural antioxidant enzymes clean free radicals from the synovial fluid, keeping the joint properly lubricated for free movement. However, poor nutrition, aging and stress can contribute to the under production of the natural enzymes, resulting in free radical damage to the cells in your dog’s joints. This cellular damage leads to friction, decreasing the health of joints and impacting their ability to function.

How do we combat free radicals?

Supplementation with antioxidants has been shown to help reduce the effects of free radicals on the aging body. Antioxidants diminish the damage caused by free radicals to cells by neutralizing the unstable structure and converting it to a harmless compound that may be safely removed from the body.

Antioxidants are likely to be most beneficial for older animals, animals that are very active or undergoing strenuous training, and animals under stress.

Antioxidants will help maintain optimum health in your dog’s gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems, liver, kidneys, eyes and immune systems. They help protect cartilage and collagen in the joints from free radical damage, and allow nutrients to be effectively used for new cell growth and cell repair. As pets become older, antioxidants become even more important in the fight against free radicals and their associated damage to cells in joints and other tissues.

All animals are at risk for joint disease. Most animals have sustained damage to cartilage in joints by middle age… and for most dogs that’s about 5 years of age!

Many factors can affect joint health and the integrity of cartilage. Among them are diet, genetic make-up and activity levels. Each animal's genetic code, for example, can influence the thickness and durability of its cartilage and the predisposition to arthritis.

Regardless of the cause for joint problems, nutrition, especially antioxidant supplementation, is particularly important in maintaining healthy joints. And that’s where Flavocin can help.

Flavocin contains a scientific blend of four potent antioxidants: Vitamin C, Zinc, Cysteine and Bioflavanol (flavan-3-ol)… the most powerful antioxidant ever discovered. In fact, studies show it to be 20 times stronger than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E in fighting free radicals.

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